Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Public Hearings:
Judith Vezinat & Carole Bradley (10 Exeter Way) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home.
Dale & Marcia Rogers (10 45th Street) – A continued RDA to relocate and existing waste line to corner of foundation.
Charles Forristall (77 Pine Island Road) – A continued RDA to re-grade landing area.
Triton Regional School District (112 Elm Street) – A continued NOI for renovations to include a new6/8-lane running track with a synthetic turf field inside the track, a new grandstand, amenities building and other site improvements to include walkways, drainage and landscaping.
City of Newburyport Planning (former rail road corridor north of Parker St) – NOI to construct a paved path along former railroad corridor beginning north of Parker St and extending to the municipal boundary of Newbury/Newburyport.
Riverfront Marine Sports/John Moulton (292 High Road) – NOI for the re-development of the existing Riverfront Marine Service and boat storage facility; one building to be demolished and two buildings to be replaced. No dock or pier alterations are proposed.
Dale Manter (74 Central Street) – RDA to install a new septic system.
Benjamin Legare (11 South Pond Street) – RDA to build a single-family home.
Federal Construction & Excavating LLC (29 Southern Blvd) – A request to amend an existing Order of Conditions’ plans for a single-family home.
Certificates of Compliance: Philip Capolupo (5 Fatherland Drive) DEP File No. 050-1077
Emergency Certificates: NONE
Re-Issuance: NONE
Other Business: NONE
The listing of matters are as those reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.